We realize that you might have multiple calendar accounts distinguishing personal, business, or simply many accounts. You can sync as many calendars as you wish under your Bookd profile.
What does this do?
Your availability will be calculated based on every calendar you import. For example, Jane has 2 calendars: 1 personal, 1 business. When going to schedule a meeting on Bookd, the application will consider her BUSY when there are events in either/or her personal and work calendars.
Jane has a dentist appointment on Monday at noon? Her coworker, if using Bookd, couldn't schedule a meeting with her at that time!
Syncing new calendars to your profile is very similar to creating an account.
1. Go to your Profile:
2. Click on "Add a calendar..."
3. A window will appear to select either Google or Outlook:
4. Select the account you wish to sync, accept the permissions and PRESTO your new calendar is synced!
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, you cannot remove a synced calendar. If you wish to do so, please contact our support team at support@soullabs.com